It must be time for your toddler’s 3 year old checkup, and you must be wondering the reasons behind it. Toddlers in this age are usually active and they won’t really bother you for their 3 year old checkup. Here is a guide to why it is necessary and what you should look forward to.
Physical growth
Around the age of 3 years, your toddler undergoes certain body changes. Toddlers get exceedingly active and sporty. They explore their surroundings for themselves, and learn new things. They develop fine and gross motor skills.
At this age, most children gain about four pounds and grow up to two to three inches.
Even though different children have different physiques, regular checkups are necessary to ensure the normal growth of your toddler, hence making a 3 year old checkup necessary.
Mental growth
During the age of 3, your child’s attention span widens. They are able to learn new skills that constitute their brain development. It is necessary to keep a check of whether your child is growing well or not, so that you can identify any issue in the early age, hence signifying a 3 year old checkup.
What the 3 year old checkup consists of
Here is a list of what you have you can expect in your toddler’s 3 year old checkup:
Body proportions
Factors like weight, height and circumference are measured according to the gender. It helps the doctor identify if your toddler is growing on a healthy pace or not. According to Centers for Disease Controls, toddlers of 3 years of age usually fall in between the mentioned numbers;
- Weight
Boys – 26.5 to 38.5 pounds.
Girls – 25.25 to 38 pounds.
- Height
Boys – 35.75 to 40.25 inches
Girls – 34.75 to 39.75 inches
- Head Circumference
Boys – 18.5 to 20.5 inches
Girls – 12.25 to 20 inches
Body Mass Index
Body Mass Index or BMI is related to the weight of the child according to gender. It helps determine the pedatrician whether your child weighs healthy, weak or obese. If the doctor isn’t taking that assessment, you should ask the doctor to get it.
Factors related to immune system
Things like blood pressure, blood tests and eyes are checked to identify any underlying health problems. The doctor makes sure if your child got their immunization shots.
Mental development during a 3 year old checkup
During the 3 year old checkup it is vital to check for the behavioral and mental development of the toddler too. Obviously children reach certain skills at different rates. But the doctor will assess this aspect of your toddler’s life too.
Questions you can expect about a 3 year old checkup
Following is a list of questions that you can easily expect to be asked during your child’s 3 year old checkup
- How much and how often does your child eat? Since at this age, your toddler’s appetite increases significantly, it is necessary to know whether they are eating properly or not.
- How is the potty training going? Your toddler may be potty trained or using potty during the day but it is common for children this age to have occasional accidents during daytime. They may still require diapers in the night. If there is any issue regarding your child’s potty training, let the doctor know.
- Is your child taking an afternoon nap? Toddlers of 3 years old sleep about 10-13 hours a day. Kids this age usually take an afternoon nap too.
- Is your toddler left-handed or right handed? The doctor asks this question to assess any coordination issues.
- Is there any change in your child’s routine? It helps the doctor assess any underlying health issues
- Can your child form sentences with three or more words?
- What activities does your child enjoy?
- Can your child ride a trike?
- Can your child walk up and down the stairs with alternating feet? It helps in assessing the physical growth of your child.
- Can your child copy a circle? It helps give a gist of coordination and motor skills of your child.
- Can your child dress and undress themselves with a little help?
- Is your child socially active?
- Does your child show interest in other children and share things with them if necessary?
- How is your child picking up studies?
There are certain precautions you should take when your child is 3 years old to ensure appropriate growth. It can also help have a smooth 3 years old checkup.
- Toddlers should get 2 cups of low fat dairy milk daily
- You should avoid high sugar or high fat drinks and foods.
- Don’t force food on your child, let them decide whether they are hungry or not
- Try to eat together most of the time
Daily schedule
- Try to keep the house quiet during their afternoon nap
- Avoid scary bedtime stories or images before bedtime so that your child has less nightmares
- Visit your child’s classroom regularly if you have them enrolled in a school
- Encourage the activity of reading to your child
- Appreciate their good behaviour
- Encourage your child to brush two times a day using pea sized fluoride toothpaste
- When your child is playing outside, make sure that the area is safe
- Try to play with your child
- Immediately address any cuts or scraps that your child gets while their playtime.
You’re good to go!
Now that you are aware of why a 3 year old checkup is necessary and what to expect, you are good to go. It is always necessary to know the changes your child undergoes at certain ages, and how to address them.
It is always vital to have a gist of the possible issues that can occur in your child’s growth.
During the 3 year old checkup, it is necessary that you clear all of your misunderstandings from the doctor. If there are any behavioral or physical issues that your child has been facing, you should let them know to the doctor right away, the doctor can help you and your child out.