Pregnancy Test With Salt – Is It Reliable?

At-home pregnancy test options, including a pregnancy test with salt, are widely popular on the internet. Yet, there is no supporting medical research that salt-based home pregnancy tests work. You want to know how a pregnancy test with salt would work, but why would you need this homemade test? Pregnancy is indeed the best experience […]
How Old Do You Have To Be To Buy Condoms? Where To Buy Them?

You may fear being judged discussing sexual health topics openly. A lot of myths surround the usage of condoms. One of the common questions that come to your mind is, “How old do you have to be to buy condoms?”. Well, look no further, as we have covered all (or almost all) of your condom […]
Parents Who Bully Their Children – Are You One Of Them?

How Do Parents Bully Their Children? All parents want their children to grow up in a peaceful environment. A calm domestic atmosphere ensures the healthy development of a child’s mental faculties. But what if there are parents who bully their children and cause mental disturbance? You often hear about children bullying other children. It may […]
When Do Boobs Stop Growing? – Factors Affecting Breast Development

’When do your breasts stop growing?’ is a question you are guilty of asking yourself at least once in your life! It definitely is a prime concern for all girls, perhaps from the moment you first start developing breasts. Breast development is an essential aspect of a girl’s growth and development. Your breasts undergo […]
Stork Bites in Newborns – Do These Birthmarks Stay Forever?

Stork bites in newborns? Nope. Neither do storks cause them, nor are they bitemarks! However, you may have noticed your neonate sporting this birthmark as you see your bundle of joy for the first time. And yup, after seeing it, you may have a lot of questions. So, let’s delve in and see what stork […]
Baby Born With Teeth Superstition – Myths and Facts You Should Know

There are many superstitions in the world about babies born with teeth. Do these superstitions have any reality in them, or are they just people’s beliefs? We cannot give a satisfactory answer. However, this article will help you understand the science behind babies born with teeth superstition. Rest is up to you to believe in […]
When Can Babies Have Pineapple? Introducing Solid Food to Baby Diet

Pineapples are nutritious as they look, urging you to know when babies can have pineapple so that you can feed your toddler this delicious treat. Pineapples contain high amounts of vitamin C, manganese, and essential dietary fibers. Besides, giving a variety of solid foods to your baby at the right time can be a huge […]
Dollar Pregnancy Tests – Are They Reliable?

Have you missed your period? Have you been trying to conceive and anxiously waiting for the “good news”? Or did you have unprotected sex accidentally and fear you might be pregnant? Finding out if you are pregnant can be a life-changing event, and you do not want to get it wrong. Whether you are hoping […]
How To Get Your Newborn To Poop? Safe Methods And Techniques

How to get your newborn to poop is a frustrating question for most moms. We can imagine how concerning it can be for you as a mother to try to understand your newborn baby’s bowel habits. Bowel movements vary from baby to baby. So before you psych yourself out over your baby’s pooping habits, it’s […]
Hot Dog While Pregnant – Is It Safe To Eat?

When a woman is pregnant, she is conscious of the baby’s health inside her belly. She wants to know what things are safe for the baby and what to avoid during pregnancy. Eating a hotdog while pregnant is not harmful. But it is always better to avoid processed food during pregnancy. While choosing the food, […]