3-Year Old Checkup – All You Need To Know

It must be time for your toddler’s 3 year old checkup, and you must be wondering the reasons behind it. Toddlers in this age are usually active and they won’t really bother you for their 3 year old checkup. Here is a guide to why it is necessary and what you should look forward to. […]
What Do You Know About Pink Eye Symptoms In Toddlers?
“That is a cool pair of specs you have on.” You can hear such words for your child when you take him out. But deep inside, you know the underlying story of the pink eye your child is having underneath the pair of specs. In short, these pink eye symptoms in toddlers are a worrisome […]
Toddler Foot Pain. What Are The Causes and Remedies?

hToddler foot pain can be a troublesome issue to deal with when it comes to parenting. Majority of the toddler foot pain cases are mild and go away on their own. But some of them, if gone undiagnosed, can cause genuine problems. Your child may often come to with a complaint of aching heel or […]
Stranger Anxiety in Toddlers – Everything You Need to Know!

Does your toddler act weird in front of strangers? Does he cling to your leg or flees the moment he sees a stranger? Are you caught between soothing your anxious child and the adults who feel hurt by your child’s strange behavior? Does his increasing aversion to strangers baffle you and puts you in an […]
White Spots On Toddler’s Teeth – What Causes Them & How To Prevent?

Your baby is definitely the apple of your eye. And their smile is surely meant to lighten up your world. Being their first and best caretaker, you will always do anything to make sure that smile shines the brightest. In keeping their smile perfect, you may come across white spots on toddler’s teeth. These white […]
Fun Things To Do With Toddlers? Indoor And Outdoor Activities

Your bond with your baby starts from the moment you conceive your bundle of joy. As your child grows older, you will always be on your toes trying to find activities to keep them busy. These activities not only keep your child preoccupied but also serve to strengthen your bond with them. Well sit back […]
When Can Toddler Sleep With A Pillow – All You Need To Know

Since the time you have conceived, you are always planning to create a perfectly decorated room for your little one to come. You aim to have a beautiful room with every material of comfort according to the age of your growing baby. Luckily, you are not going to have a pillow anytime soon in your […]
My Toddler Won’t Nap During The Daytime – What Should I Do?

Toddlers are full of energy and they will keep you at your toes. Although you find spending time with them adorable, sometimes it gets a little tiring and you will be looking for a break. Normally a nap will help you and your toddler to recharge that energy. But if your toddler won’t nap, things […]
Is Your Four Year Not Potty Trained? What Should You Do?

Potty training is a very important milestone in the development of your child. Most children learn to use the toilet between 18 months and 3 years. However, you may be a part of a situation in which your four-year-old is not potty trained, or that you might not have any experience of raising a child. […]