Why drink milk while breastfeeding? A common concern for mothers

benefits of drinking milk while breastfeeding

I need to drink milk while breastfeeding. You say this to yourself almost every time you breastfeed your baby. The overwhelming feeling of getting an angel on your lap and the other hand, the tiring routine of feeding him all day long can create a mix up of feelingsfor you. In short, you need to […]

Why Your Baby Keeps Throwing up After Feeding? Causes and remedies

How do I stop my baby from vomiting after feeding

Among the many things about babies that rob new parents of their peace of mind, is constant vomiting. If this is what is going on with your baby, you need not be alarmed. This article will help you pinpoint exactly why your baby keeps throwing up after feeding and how to effectively tackle the issue. […]

Mammogram while breastfeeding! What to expect?

screening mammogram while breastfeeding

Mammogram while breastfeeding: Is it safe? Mammography is a technique that uses minimal radiations to draw an image of your breasts. Since the radiations are in the minimal quantity you can get a mammogram while breastfeeding as well as during pregnancy without any risk. However, it is hard to read a mammogram of a breastfeeding […]

Smoking and Breastfeeding – Is It Safe To Breastfeed While Smoking?

smoking and breastfeeding

Do smoking and breastfeeding fit in the same sentence? Yup, you may have asked yourself this question. If you are an active smoker and wish to breastfeed your baby. Well, look no further as we answer all your queries about smoking and breastfeeding. Smoking Mums and Mums to be! It’s no surprise that approximately 10% […]

Diet For Breastfeeding Mothers To Increase Milk

diet for breastfeeding mothers to increase milk production

Motherhood is a blessing. It is probably one of the most fulfilling things you will do as a woman. But this blessing also comes with its challenges. From conception to pregnancy, leading on to childbirth and then the life-long commitment to your children, every step in the way requires you to be prepared. Caring for […]

Is Breastfeeding With A Cold Safe? A Comprehensive Guide For Mothers

breastfeeding with a cold

Is breastfeeding with a cold safe? Breastfeeding with a cold is a worrisome thing for all the mothers. However, for most of the cases, breastfeeding is completely safe. Most viruses responsible for flu have no transmission through breast milk. Instead, it is beneficial to breastfeed with a common cold. It gives you a peaceful time […]

Having A Breastfeeding Baby Constipated? What Should You Do?

Is your breastfeeding baby constipated?

Basic things to learn if you have a breastfeeding baby constipated Seeing a breastfeeding baby constipated can trigger parents to overthink a lot of stuff. But relax, you need to know some details before panicking. In young infants, the schedule of pooping is quite variable which makes frequency a poor indicator of constipation. So to […]