My Child Has No Friends At School – What To Do as a Parent?
The thought that my child has no friends at school can make almost all the parents worried. As a parent, you hold an extraordinary place in your kid's social life. You are the best friend your kid can have. You keep your child in the warmth of your motherly feathers. And never want him to [...]Child Doesn’t Want To Go To School Because of Anxiety – What To Do?
‘School refusal’ refers to the behavior exhibited when the child doesn’t want to go to school because of anxiety. It doesn’t end up in a calm conversation between you and your kid. Instead, there is usually crying, panicking and yelling demonstrated by your child. It can happen abruptly, or can start gradually. It is usually […]
School Lunch Ideas For Picky Eaters – Fun Food Recipes For Children
Difficulties with a picky eater You want your kid to stay healthy which requires nutritious eating from the newborn stage right up to school going stage. You can be strict about it or use as many temptations as you want. However, the truth is no child enjoys a lunch box full of vegetables and fruits. […]
Can’t Decide on Primary School for Your Child? What Should You Do?
Worried about your child’s schooling, aren’t you? Don’t panic. Almost every parent has to face this frustrating situation where they can’t decide on a primary school for their child. As you know, children spend a substantial time of their day at school. Schooling plays a significant role in the development of your child’s personality. Most […]