Sleeping babies are no doubt the cutest beings on the planet! Whether it’s their mid-day nap or night time slumber, it’s surely the best time. However, you may notice a change in their sleeping habits around 4 months of age. Though this is a stressful time, you may want to delve into this article as we talk about 4-month sleep regression in babies.
What Is Sleep Regression?
Your baby may be sleeping like a cute bear on most nights. Then suddenly, you wake up one night cause your baby decides to wake up. And despite a lot of effort, your baby doesn’t feel like sleeping and gets all fussy. And well if your baby is awake, no chances of you getting any sleep either!
This sudden change in the sleep pattern means that your baby is going through the phase of sleep regression. So you’re maybe wondering, “What is a sleep regression? “
Sleep regression is a normal shifting in the sleeping patterns of your baby. Since the first time it happens is around 4 months of age, it is often referred to as 4 month sleep regression. After this, similar episodes of sleep regression occur around 8, 12, 18, and 24 months. However, as the first one is more troublesome and you’re clueless about how to tackle it, hence 4 month sleep regression is more talked about.
Nope, you’re not dreaming about this. Sleep regression is a real thing. And the good part is- it’s temporary!
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Why Does Your Baby Have 4 month Sleep Regression?
As your series of tiring and sleepless nights start, you may be wondering, “ Why does my baby have 4 months sleep regression in the first place? “.
Sleep regression in babies, though maybe a hard time for you, is actually a good thing. This means that your baby’s brain is developing and your baby is having a growth spurt.
As the environment changes, your baby’s brain continuously adapts to it. And is trying to learn new skills too. These changes in the growth and development of your child can be picked up by you as well. You may find your baby trying to sit up or roll over during this time.
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Signs Of 4 Month Sleep Regression
So things were going well for you and your baby when suddenly your baby woke up in the middle of one night. And then your baby decides to give you a hard time going back to sleep. This is the main sign of 4-month sleep regression in babies. That is a disturbed sleeping pattern with difficulty going back to slumber.
Other signs include
- Fussiness with difficulty in being consoled
- Change in appetite
- Frequent waking up at night
- Increased restlessness when your baby sleeps
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Do All Babies Have 4 month Sleep Regression?
By now, it’s pretty sure you’re terrified of 4-month sleep regression. And if your baby, fortunately for you, hasn’t yet had the sleep regression, you may be asking yourself, “Should I be prepared for battle? “.
Well before preparing for combat, one thing you would want to know is that not all babies experience 4 months sleep regression. And that is okay. Whereas on the other hand, some children may even have problems sleeping through the night even after 3-4 years of age.
However, if even after 5 years of age, your child still has trouble dozing off at night, you may want to talk to your doctor.
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What To Expect When Your Baby Has 4 Month Sleep Regression?
The roller-coaster ride of sleepless nights and tiring days has set into motion. But that’s not it yet. You may need to grab a pen and journal to note down the changes that will affect your routine.
- Restlessness, experienced by both you and your baby. As a parent, you will be struggling to do anything in your power to make sure you both catch up on some sleep.
- Being a parent is definitely an overwhelming feeling. And most of the time, you may be riding the high horse. But during this period, you may feel as if your emotions are all scattered here and there.
- As you would be waking up at odd times during the night, you would be frustrated. Especially when you have to deal with an inconsolable baby! Impatience is a natural thing for you to come across.
- You may notice a growth spurt in your baby, with a significant increase in the height and weight of your child.
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How To Manage?
This is perhaps the most coveted part of the article. With all that fatigue and stress, you would definitely want a genie to magically take away this time!
However, let’s not get carried away and see how you can manage the 4-month sleep regression or at least try to do so.
Try To Stick To A Schedule
Things will become easier if you start with a routine. The key is to make sure your baby is having adequate rest. As the night time slumber is disturbed, let your baby take frequent small naps during the daytime.
However, to make sure that their perception of day and night remains, schedule each nap to be of around 60 minutes. Then wake up your baby and make sure he has an awake period of at least 30 minutes.
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Feed More
Your baby is going through a growth spurt. Which means they need more energy and food to cope with the process. This can be done by increasing the amount of food during the daytime meals instead of the recommended amounts. You should feed your baby until they are satisfied.
During the night time, you may want to consider frequent feeding. However, do let them feed till they are done. Don’t cut the portions short.
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Early To Bed, Early To Rise!
If your baby normally goes to sleep around 8 pm and then spends hours fidgeting and crying, you may want to put them to bed earlier like around 6 or 7 pm. So they cab have better hours of rest.
Reach Out For Help
Let’s not forget that you are equally troubled during this period of 4 months sleep regression in babies. So it’s perfectly fine to ask your partner, friends, or family to pitch in and look after your baby. While you catch on some sleep.
Handle With Love!
Growth isn’t easy. And 4 months sleep regression in babies is a hard time on them too! You may want to shower your baby with extra love, care, and attention during this time. This serves to strengthen your bonding too.