Baby Grinding Teeth: Reasons, Myths, and Remedies


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You may be pretty much annoyed every time you hear your baby grinding teeth. And trust we, we het you there! But before plugging in some ear buds, you may want to ponder into this article as we talk about baby grinding teeth. And what’s all the commotion about!

What is Teeth Grinding?

Watching your baby fall asleep is such a peaceful moment. But that peace maybe interrupted by that harsh sounds of your baby gnashing and grinding their teeth. You may overlook it, if it happens once in a blue moon. But once baby grinding teeth becomes a repetitive problem, you may be girdling up your horses to race to a solution.

All About Bruxism

Fancy word check, done! Bruxism is the medical term for teeth grinding or clenching of the jaws. You may be surprised, but Bruxism is a pretty common condition. With 2-3 out of every 10 kids having this issue.

It is common in babies and kids, though many outgrow it with time. It mostly happens when under stress, during a good sleep or is a part of the phase’s kids go through.

What Causes Baby Grinding Teeth?

Your babies first year is all about dealing with so many different things. It’s a whole roller-coaster ride! From hearing their first giggle, to seeing that first baby tooth come out, to having their very first appointment at the doctor’s office!

It’s a first time for a lot if things. Same goes for baby grinding teeth too. But like other things you may want to check out what’s causing those cute little baby pearls to grind in pain.


One of the fairly common cause of bruxism that is teeth grinding and jaw clutching is teething. Your baby boo may be awaiting the arrival of a new tooth! And while that’s one big excuse to celebrate and munch on a chocolate cake. Your toddler may not be agreeing with you here.

The first tooth can appear as early as 4 months after birth. However, most babies have their first baby tooth once they cross the 7th month.

Teething is a tough time for your baby. From fidgeting to sleepless nights, chewing on different items and teeth grinding. It’s a struggle in itself.

Baby grinding teeth is just a way your baby adapts to ease the pain. Like children rubbing in a sore muscle following a boo boo.

However, if you feel that your baby is grinding their teeth more often. You can check in with your doctor.

Pooped Out Baby?

Teething is a relatively major cause of bruxism. But the other less common causes shouldn’t be ignored. Ever wondered that baby grinding teeth can be an indication of a stressed-out child?

Stress, usually anger or tension from any cause, can make a child feel overwhelmed. And resort to grinding their teeth or clenching their jaws.

What can cause a baby to be pooped out? While babies younger than a year mostly struggle with teething as a stressor that causes teeth grinding. Toddlers and older children may be struggling with presence of a new sibling, any disturbance in their sleeping habits or routine, and even problems at preschool.

Other Causes

Other less common causes of baby grinding teeth can be a hyperactive baby. Or babies who have cerebral palsy or other medical conditions. Often children on certain medications may also have this complaint.

Symptoms of Baby Grinding Teeth

Apart from that harsh sound you often have to hear, other symptoms of bruxism are as follows

  • Grinding sound which is loud enough for you to hear and notice
  • Jaw clenching
  • Earache
  • Headache around the temples (around and above the ear)
  • Pain or soreness in the jaw
  • Damaged or worn out teeth

Side Effects of Baby Grinding Teeth

Babies and infants can’t verbally express the problem. And the lucky part is, it’s not much of a troublesome issue in babies. Except for you having to bear the grunt of that not-so-pleasant grind.

However, in toddlers and older children repetitive teeth grinding and clenching can have problems in the long run. These include more frequent headaches and earaches.

Apart from that, too much grinding can damage the enamel of teeth. This can cause increased temperature sensitivity, worn out teeth, misalignment and problems of the temporomandibular joint(TMJ).

How to Detect the Problem?

Bruxism that is teeth grinding and clenching of the jaws in babies can ne easily picked up. That nasty and often very audible sound of grinding is the first clue. Apart from this, older children may complain of a swollen or sore jaw, or pain in the morning after a night’s sleep.

This is the case as bruxism mostly takes place at night as a child sleeps. They may also complain of difficulty and pain while chewing and refrain from too hot or cold foods.

Tackling and Treating Bruxism

Baby grinding teeth is a problem. Especially if it’s become am everyday happening. As in babies, the most common cause is teething, you can use tethers to soothe the discomfort your tot is going through.

For toddlers and older children, you may want to follow a plan of parental observation and frequent visits to the dentist. Although children do tend to outgrow from grinding their teeth as they grow older, you may want to lend a helping hand till they are able to do so.

Dentists often prescribe a night guard which us similar to mouthpieces that athletes wear. Especially if your child has complained regarding swollen and sore jaws. Your child may have a little trouble in the start to get along with them. But once they become used to it, they are very rewarding.

Baby Grinding Teeth-The Takeaway

Your baby is no doubt the apple of your eye! Though the journey of bringing up your child is one hell of a ride, their health and happiness is rewarding at the end of the day.

Slight inconveniences such as baby grinding teeth can send you into a frenzy. But timely care and a visit to the doctor is likely enough to put those teething problems at bay!

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