First Week Of Pregnancy Symptoms – Week By Week Pregnancy


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First Week Of Pregnancy Symptoms - Week By Week Pregnancy

One week pregnant is not pregnant at all. This is because ovulation and conception are difficult to differentiate. So, the first week of pregnancy means you are on your period but not pregnant. Doctors count your pregnancy from the first day of your last period. Many women get to know about their pregnancy when a few weeks of pregnancy have passed already. So, when you found out you are expecting, you might think these are in your first week of pregnancy symptoms and that this is your first week of pregnancy, but you are probably around 4 weeks pregnant.

What happens to the body during the first week of pregnancy?

Inside your first week pregnant belly, your body is not only releasing your last month’s egg but also preparing your uterus to hold an embryo which will develop into a baby. During the first week of pregnancy, you are probably thinking about, how you can prepare your body to carry a baby.

First week of pregnancy symptoms

The first week of pregnancy symptoms won’t occur right away, but some early signs of pregnancy in the first week after fertilization include:

Missed period

The first week of pregnancy symptoms begins after the conception. The most obvious early pregnancy symptom is when you missed a period. You might not experience any other first-week pregnancy symptoms until you notice that you have missed a period.

Swollen Breasts

The first week of pregnancy symptoms includes swollen breasts. Soon after the conception, hormonal changes take place in the body making your breasts swollen and tender. You may feel your breast fuller and heavier during the first week of pregnancy.


Tiredness also ranks high among the first week of pregnancy symptoms. During early pregnancy, the level of progesterone increases, causing a decrease in the sugar and blood pressure level. Making you feel tired and lazy during pregnancy.

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Mild vaginal bleeding or spotting, also known as implantation bleeding is a common first week of pregnancy symptoms. This happens when a fertilized embryo attaches itself to the wall of the uterus after 10 to 14 days of fertilization.


Nausea is one of the classic first week of pregnancy symptoms. Nausea or morning sickness can strike at any time during day or night. A pregnant woman has a high sense of smell, various odors, such as perfumes or food may cause nausea during the first week of pregnancy.

Mood swings

Mood swings are very common during pregnancy, especially in the first week. The sudden hormonal changes in the body can make you emotional and weepy.


Abdominal pain or cramping similar to the menstrual cramps is one of the first week of pregnancy symptoms. It occurs when the uterus expands, causing the ligaments and muscles supporting the uterus to stretch.


Hormonal changes in the body during the first week of pregnancy can increase blood circulation. This increased blood circulation can cause a mild headache during the first week of pregnancy.

Raised body temperature

The basal body temperature increases during ovulation and remains the same until the next period. The continuous increase in basal body temperature for more than two weeks indicates that you are pregnant.


Diarrhea is another common first week of pregnancy symptoms. The hormonal changes in the body during the pregnancy slow down your digestive system causing diarrhea.

How to confirm that you are pregnant?

It is important to perform a few tests to be sure whether you are expecting or not.

Home-based pregnancy test

A home-based pregnancy test is a quick and easy test to confirm your pregnancy at home. This test is taken by using a pregnancy test strip. You simply pee on the strip to check the concentration of pregnancy hormone in your urine.

This test is not a confirmatory test and can give false results. You must consult a doctor to confirm your pregnancy even after the positive home-based pregnancy test.

Also Read: Toothpaste Pregnancy Test – Is It Reliable?

Blood test for pregnancy

As soon as you start observing the first week of pregnancy symptoms, your doctor will recommend you a few blood tests to confirm your pregnancy. These tests will measure the amount of pregnancy hormone in your blood.


Ultrasound during the first week of pregnancy is not very clear. However, you can get it done to be sure. This is the most accurate test for pregnancy. After an ultrasound, you can finally believe that a new life is now growing inside you.

The first week of Pregnancy transformation

The first week of pregnancy can be exciting and scary at the same, as your body is going through several changes during this week. Some of these changes are visible, such as weight gain, expanding belly, morning sickness, and backaches.

Following are the few pregnancy transformations a woman may experience during pregnancy:

Breast size

During the first week of pregnancy, the breast of a woman increases in size becomes sore and tender. You will fuller and heavier breasts

Hair changes

You may have good hair days during pregnancy. This is due to the increased estrogen level. Estrogen increases the length of the growing phase of the hair follicle, which results in healthier and thicker hair

Brittle nails

Increased levels of estrogen cause increased blood flow in the body. A woman may experience soft and brittle nails which may split easily. This is due to increased blood flow in the fingers.


Skin changes are very common during pregnancy. Pinkish, purplish lines known as stretch marks are commonly seen on women’s abdomen, and thighs. These are typically seen on women who are obese or rapid gain weight during pregnancy.

Also Read: Dangers Of Skin Bleaching During Pregnancy

Visible veins

Varicose veins during pregnancy are very common. However, veins near the vagina and vulva can become swollen. Although, this is very normal the swollen veins near genitals can be uncomfortable.

Pregnancy belly week by week

Week one is the start of pregnancy. During the first week of pregnancy, a sperm meets an egg. Either of the two ovaries gets mature and releases an egg, if both the ovaries release eggs, you will give birth to twins.

The doctor will count your pregnancy from the first day of your last period. Conception occurs after two weeks of this day and that is when a woman is truly considered as pregnant. During this week your baby will grow from the size of a seed to a plum.

The woman will gain some weight during the first week which is very normal. Your waistline will begin to expand as your uterus is growing to hold a baby.

Precautions during the first week of pregnancy

During the first week of pregnancy, a woman’s body is working overtime to grow a little baby. The first trimester of pregnancy is the developmental phase. In this phase, the organs and systems of the baby are developing. During this critical time period, there are a few precautions during the first week of pregnancy, which a woman should take care of.


Alcohol is to be avoided during pregnancy. It can damage the brain of an unborn baby.


Some drugs and supplements can interfere with fetal development. They can damage the underdeveloped organs of the baby causing miscarriage or preterm labor. These drugs must be avoided during the first week of pregnancy.


Smoking is dangerous for both the mother and the baby. It restricts the oxygen supply to the baby and passes on the toxic chemicals.

Caffeinated drinks

Caffeinated drinks like coffee and tea must be avoided during pregnancy. They can affect the development of an unborn baby.


It is important for a pregnant woman to get all the vaccines on time to prevent any serious consequences.

Also Read: Health Risks During First Pregnancy

Foods to avoid in the first week of pregnancy

A woman needs a well-balanced diet during pregnancy. It will help your baby to grow healthy. Make sure your diet includes the following:

Green-leafy vegetables

They are a natural resource of minerals and other nutrients.

Fish and seafood

They are full of essential oils and minerals.


It is a healthy snack, full of vitamin A, which is essential for fetal development.


Legumes, such as chickpeas and beans are rich in high fiber and contain iron, folate, and calcium. Which is essential for fetal development.


Fruits are a natural source of fiber and vitamins.  Which a woman needs during pregnancy.


Meat such as chicken and mutton is a rich source of protein and keep fulfill the protein requirement of an unborn baby.

Dairy products

Dairy products like milk and yogurt are a source of calcium. Which helps in the development of bones of an unborn baby.

However, it is advised to a woman to stay away from the following food during pregnancy.

  • Raw meat
  • Uncooked food
  • Unpasteurized dairy products
  • Food preserved for so long
  • Frozen food

Exercise to avoid in the first week of pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy offers multiple benefits. Most doctors recommend expecting mothers to stick to their regular workouts for as long as it is practical. There are plenty of exercises that are beneficial for the expecting mother. However, there are a few exercises to avoid during the first week of pregnancy.

  • An exercise that carries a high risk of abdominal injury
  • An exercise that involves lying flat on the back
  • Backbends
  • Hot yoga
  • An exercise that involves holding a breath

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